The dopus request . This command is used to provide interaction
with the user, similar to the normal System requesters like 'Please insert
volume xxxx', where you can click on one of a number of buttons, eg. OK or
The dopus request command will open it's window in the centre of the
Opus screen, as will the following command dopus getstring .
The value of the button you chose will be returned in the ARexx variable
RC .
An example:
/* DOpusRequest.dopus5 */
options results
lf = '0a'x
address 'DOPUS.1'
dopus request '"Please select a button below:" Replace|Skip|Rename|Abort'
if rc = 1 then button = 'Replace'
if rc = 2 then button = 'Skip'
if rc = 3 then button = Rename'
if rc = 0 then button = 'Abort'
text = 'You chose button: 'button||lf||'The value of the button you chose was: 'rc
dopus request '"'text'" OK'
If you chose the button 'Abort' in the example, you will note that the
value returned in the ARexx variable RC was 0. This is because the last
button, (right-most), of the requester is designated the Cancel button.
Values returned in the above example, according to button order, will then
be 1, 2, 3, and 0.